Our Values & Beliefs
God is good. Jesus is Lord. The Spirit is active. You are loved.
Yahweh is the personal name of the Father as revealed to Moses. He is perfectly holy and cannot be in the presence of sinful people without a special provision. He created a provision for people to be in His presence by sending His perfect son Jesus to die in their place, taking away the sin punishment for them and giving them His righteousness. In this way, believers in Jesus are actually seen as righteous in Yahweh's eyes and can therefore be in His presence, both in heaven and on earth.
Jesus, the Son of Yahweh, was sent to earth to accomplish the Father's plan for the redemption of people. Although Jesus is divine, He set aside its privileges to live the life of a man. At His baptism, Jesus received the Holy Spirit by which He performed many miracles. Jesus died on a cross to take the sin punishment for people and and then raised from the dead and ascended into heaven where He remains alive today.
The coming of the Holy Spirit fulfills the promise Yahweh made that He would one day reside in His people. When Jesus was on earth, He received the baptism with the Holy Spirit and then He told His followers that He would baptize them with the Holy Spirit. After Jesus returned to Heaven, He fulfilled His promise by sending the Spirit, enabling believers to be empowered and gifted for life and ministry.
The Bible contains the truth about Yahweh, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the authoritative revelation of God to His people and is the trustworthy source of teaching for all ministry. The authors of the Bible have truthfully and authoritatively testified about the events they witnessed. The Bible is the foundation for everything we teach at PRBC.
People were created by Yahweh without sin and in perfect relationship. The first couple, Adam and Eve, chose to sin, breaking off that perfect relationship. Every person since this time is born into the world with this same deathly, broken relationship. Jesus came and died and rose to life in order for people to have a new birth and a restored relationship with Yahweh. Those who believe in Jesus receive this new birth.
Because people are sinful and Yahweh is just, a punishment is necessary for sin. Jesus died on the cross in order to be the substitute punishment for people. Anyone who believes in Jesus no longer has to receive the punishment for their sin because Jesus is their substitute. Jesus came back to life as a sign of what will happen for all who believe in Him.
At some point in the future, Jesus will return to earth in a similar way that He departed, in order to gather up His followers.
Even though our current bodies will one day die and turn into dust, Jesus said after He returns, He will give us new resurrection bodies, designed never to die again.
Angels were created by Yahweh for many purposes, one of which is to minister to the needs of people. Demons, and their chief called Satan, are angels who have rebelled against Yahweh and are enemies with Him, aimed at devouring His people. The kingdom of Jesus has complete authority over the kingdom of Satan.